Some Insights + Feelings From 2nd Holotropic Workshop

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Women giving birth possibly enter an altered state of consciousness, probably brought about by the breathing technique used in labour. The near-primal scream emitted during the transition stage may not wholly result from the intense contractions associated with this part of labour.

The feeling some women have of the baby being stuck may indeed bring them very close to the feelings they themselves experienced during their own birthing process.

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People coming out of a general anaesthetic sometimes make sounds similar to those of someone during a Holotropic session. An adult can become very child-like, especially if he/she is crying. They are totally uninhibited and desperately need comforting. The distress a young child experiences as he/she comes out of the anaesthetic is probably the best example. They are completely inconsolable, screaming and thrashing their bodies about. They are definitely reliving a past trauma.

19/20th. Mar, ’95:
Vivid memories of childhood and adolescence.

24th. Mar, ’95:
My reaction to a sudden noise while I lay awake in bed caused me to become aware of how a spider reacts to a sudden vibration. I became a spider. My body was that of a spider.

I could see the long black legs, but most of all, I felt its fear and desperate need to survive. I was not only the terrified spider, but also felt the terror of the human looking on.

25th. Mar, ;95:
Felt different. Early afternoon, while at the local shopping centre, met a girl friend. We talked for a long time, after which I felt exhausted. Desperately wanted to go home. Couldn’t think straight, I was in a daze. Later, met two other women, but found it difficult to talk to them. Felt “spaced out”. When I got home I just wanted to cry. I was mentally exhausted.

In the evening phoned my father. He told me not to expect anything from him for Mother’s Day. Hurting terribly, I said it was all right. (My parents don’t believe in giving presents or sending cards. To them, they’re just a waste of money). Later that night I began to cry. I felt totally unloved and really longed for the release I know death would bring. I had no desire to sleep so remained up ‘till 2.45am. (3.45am. new time).

No Date:
I question the existence of the state of mind generally referred to by the medical profession as “insanity”. The so-called “madman” does not scream out because of a chemical imbalance in his brain, he is merely releasing deep-rooted pain.

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